We are incredibly grateful for our Lovejoy teachers who make our phenomenal academic, fine arts, athletics, and extracurricular clubs possible! The passion and time teachers and coaches pour into these programs and opportunities is extraordinary, and the resulting student enrichment is unparalleled! Thank you, Lovejoy teachers!
8 months ago, Lovejoy ISD
Teacher Appreciation Week, May 6-10, 2024.  Coaches standing in front of a white brick wall.
Teacher Appreciation Week, May 6-10, 2024.  Teachers in Italy.
Lovejoy has a lot to celebrate today!! Wednesday, May 8th is also Texas Public School Paraprofessional Day!! Paraprofessionals work with children individually or in small groups providing assistance and basic instruction in education related activities as assigned by teachers. Their classroom support is integral to many students' success. Thank you, Lovejoy paraprofessionals!
8 months ago, Lovejoy ISD
Texas Public School Paraprofessional Day, Wednesday, May 8th.  The support you provide to Lovejoy students is deeply appreciated.
“Teaching is one profession that creates all other professions.” - Unknown Lovejoy teachers, your impact is immeasurable! We are #LovejoyProud of your dedication, passion, and commitment to supporting high levels of learning for ALL students. Thank you! #TeamLovejoy #LovejoyCulture
8 months ago, Lovejoy ISD
Teacher Appreciation Week, May 6-10th.  Teacher selfie at the zoo.
Today, Wednesday, May 8th, is National School Nurse Day! Lovejoy's six school nurses, Elaine Saxton, Tami Mitchell, Jennifer Slenk, Jennifer Busse, Tiffany Glover, and Amy Dresser, serve a critical role in supporting the health, wellness, and educational success of our Lovejoy students. Please join us in celebrating them! #TeamLovejoy #LovejoyCulture
8 months ago, Lovejoy ISD
We love our Nurses!  #TeamLovejoy National School Nurse Day 2024
We are GLOWING with pride for our Lovejoy Teachers!! Their passion for creating interactive and engaging instruction makes learning FUN and inspires a love of learning in students! Thank you #TeamLovejoy! #OneHeartOneLovejoy #LovejoyCulture
8 months ago, Lovejoy ISD
Teacher Appreciation Week, May 6-10, 2024.  Teachers dressed up for glow party.
Leopard Reminder: No School this Friday, May 10th for a Student Holiday and Teacher Planning Day. Wishing all our Leopards a wonderful long weekend! #OneHeartOneLovejoy #TeamLovejoy
8 months ago, Lovejoy ISD
Reminder: No School Friday May 10th, 2024.  Student Holiday & Teacher Planning Day.
It's Teacher Appreciation Week and Lovejoy has the BEST teachers! Today and everyday we are infinitely grateful for our teachers who live Lovejoy's #KidsComeFirst core value. Thank you, Lovejoy teachers!! Please help us show our Lovejoy teachers appreciation and positivity this week! Check out your principal newsletters for campus specific ideas!
8 months ago, Lovejoy ISD
Pictured: Teachers with student at camp.  Reads:Teacher Appreciation Week, May 6-10, 2024.
One Night Only Shopping Extravaganza!! LHS School Store Tuesday, May 7th 6:00 PM -7:30 PM 60% off all clothing 20% other merchandise including hats
8 months ago, Lovejoy ISD
Lovejoy School Store SALE.  One Night Only Extravaganza!  Tuesday, May 7th from 6:00pm - 7:30pm.  60% off all clothing.  20% off other merch including hats.
Connect with Katie, News and Information from the Superintendent, is now available: https://issuu.com/lovejoyisd/docs/connect_with_katie.05.03.2024.issue36 #KidsComeFirst #OneHeartOneLovejoy #BestTodayBetterTomorrow
8 months ago, Lovejoy ISD
Connect with Katie. May 03, 2024.
Today, Friday May 3rd, is School Lunch Hero Day! Lovejoy ISD is proud to recognize our student nutrition professionals and the difference they make every day! Our student nutrition professionals are true heroes! Each day they prepare healthy meals for students, adhere to strict nutrition standards, build relationships with students, and offer service with a smile! Real heroes wear aprons not capes! #TeamLovejoy #LovejoyCulture #OneHeartOneLovejoy
8 months ago, Lovejoy ISD
Lovejoy School Lunch Hero Day
Lovejoy ISD is proud to announce Dr. Travis Zambiasi, current Lovejoy High School Principal, as Executive Director of Student Services. “I have great confidence in Dr. Zambiasi’s ability to work in partnership and collaboration with Lovejoy ISD students, parents, and staff to further Lovejoy ISD’s legacy of excellence. Dr. Zambiasi’s recent campus leadership experience provides him with expertise and a perspective that are highly valuable in supporting our schools and positively impacting the student experience,” said Katie Kordel, Superintendent of Schools. Read the full press release here: https://tinyurl.com/4zpxtsx9 #TeamLovejoy #LovejoyProud #OneHeartOneLovejoy #BestTodayBetterTomorrow
8 months ago, Lovejoy ISD
Press Release: LISD Announces Executive Director of Student Service
Congratulations to Elaine Saxton, Whitney Hicks, Wendy Bernal, Angela Woods, Brittany Dotson, Emmit Payne, and Ceci Poe on being selected as April's Heart of Support recipients! Join us in celebrating their incredible contributions to our students' success! Each of them is a highly valued member of #TeamLovejoy! #LovejoyCulture #LovejoyProud #KidsComeFirst #OneHeartOneLovejoy Thank you The Walker Group - CB Apex, Realtors for your generous sponsorship of this monthly celebration!
8 months ago, Lovejoy ISD
Elaine Saxton, Lovejoy Child Development Center
Whitney Hicks, Hart Elementary
Wendy Bernal, Puster Elementary
Angela Woods, Sloan Creek Intermediate School
Brittany Dotson, Willow Springs Middle School
Emmit Payne, Lovejoy High School
Ceci Poe, Administration
Congratulations to Amy Scott, Laura Heiser, Laura Lester, Leigh Bellows, and David Muller on being selected as April's Heart of a Teacher recipients! Join us in celebrating the incredible contributions they make throughout our students' educational journeys! #TeamLovejoy #LovejoyCulture #LovejoyProud #KidsComeFirst #OneHeartOneLovejoy Thank you The Walker Group - CB Apex, Realtors for your generous sponsorship of this monthly celebration!
8 months ago, Lovejoy ISD
Amy Scott, Hart Elementary
Laura Heiser, Puster Elementary
Laura Lester, Sloan Creek Intermediate School
Leigh Bellows, Willow Springs Middle School
David Muller, Lovejoy High School
Connect with Katie, News and Information from the Superintendent, is now available: https://issuu.com/lovejoyisd/docs/connect_with_katie.04.26.2024.issue35 #KidsComeFirst #OneHeartOneLovejoy #BestTodayBetterTomorrow
9 months ago, Lovejoy ISD
Connect with Katie, April 26, 2024
Lovejoy Robotics invites all our Leopards to come out Saturday, April 27th at 12:30 p.m. to cheer on our teams 1082 E J R and S at the VEX Robotics World Championship! Let's fill the stands! Go Leopards! #OneHeartOneLovejoy
9 months ago, Lovejoy ISD
Robotics Worlds Invitation April 25 - May 3rd
Lovejoy ISD is committed to providing consistent, transparent communication with our community and employees. We hope this meeting summary will support you in staying connected and informed. Click the link to open the summary in Google Docs: https://www.smore.com/n/jxbk0
9 months ago, Lovejoy Independent School District
Board Meeting Summary - LISD
Happiest Administrative Professionals Day to our incredibly knowledgeable and hardworking administrative professionals across Lovejoy ISD! You keep our campuses and departments runnings efficiently and effectively while prioritizing students #KidsComeFirst! The dedication and support you provide to our Lovejoy students, teachers, staff, parents and community is deeply appreciated! Thank you! #TeamLovejoy #LovejoyCulture #OneHeartOneLovejoy
9 months ago, Lovejoy ISD
Administrative Professionals Day, Wednesday, April 24th. Thank you!
Girls Track and Field Back to Back REGIONAL CHAMPIONS!
9 months ago, Lovejoy XCTF
Track and Field Regional Champions holding trophy.
Today, April 23rd, is National School Bus Driver Appreciation Day! Please join us in celebrating our amazing Lovejoy bus drivers who are dedicated to ensuring our Leopards are safely transported to and from school each day! We appreciate their patience, commitment to safety, and pride in our District! #TeamLovejoy #KidsComeFirst #OneHeartOneLovejoy
9 months ago, Lovejoy ISD
School Bus Driver Appreciation Day, Thank you!
Connect with Katie, News and Information from the Superintendent, is now available: https://issuu.com/lovejoyisd/docs/connect_with_katie.04.19.2024.issue34 #KidsComeFirst #OneHeartOneLovejoy #BestTodayBetterTomorrow
9 months ago, Lovejoy ISD
Connect with Katie, April 19, 2024, Issue 34