Pre-Kindergarten STEM
Instructional Materials
The availability of STEM materials in classrooms is crucial to promoting problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity among students. These materials provide hands-on learning experiences, making complex concepts more accessible and engaging. With a variety of different STEM tools, students can develop future-ready skills, including technical literacy and a growth mindset, to prepare students for success in a rapidly changing world.
Lovejoy ISD, along with financial support from the Foundation for Lovejoy Schools, has spent significant time and resources in making sure that teachers have the STEM materials necessary to provide students with quality STEM experiences. The materials differ from campus to campus, based on developmental needs and alignment to the TEKS and course expectations. The following are examples of what is available at each level.
Coding Critters • Switcheroo Coding Crew • Vex123 • Fairy Tale STEM kits • Content related resources • Sphero Indi • Consumable resources and materials

Pre-Kindergarten STEM Scope and Sequence
In order to promote a cohesive educational experience for Lovejoy students, the Lovejoy ISD STEM scope and sequence presents a logical, developmentally appropriate plan for instruction, ensuring that all necessary content is addressed. The TEKS and course specific standards, with a focus on those in science, mathematics, and technology, lay the foundation for STEM education in Lovejoy ISD. These expectations progress through the student’s educational experience and provide skills to develop well-prepared individuals ready to pursue and fulfill their career paths.
I.A4 Self-Concept. Child shows initiative in trying new activities and demonstrates perseverance when attempting to overcome obstacles or challenges.
VI.A Physical Science
VI.B Life Science
VI.C Earth and Space Science
X.A Technology and Devices
V.A Number Sense
V.B Joining and Separating
V.C Geometry and Spatial Sense
V.D Measurement
V.E Classification and Patterns