Off-Campus Physical Education

Please note that the deadline has passed for application submission for the 2024-2025 school year. *Please check back on March 31st, 2025 for LISD OCPE information regarding the 2025-2026 school year. Information will be updated, links will be reactivated, and applications will be accepted for the upcoming school year at that time.

STEP 1: Verify the agency you want to use is on the 24-25 approved list.  We are now requiring updated paperwork so an agency you have used may no longer be on the list. If your agency is not on the list, please submit an Agency Application. 

The Off-Campus Agency Application can be found here. The deadline for Agency applications for the 2024-2025 school year is May 31, 2024. Please submit the completed Agency application in person at the Lovejoy ISD Administration Building or via this form

STEP 2:Submit your application for Off-Campus Physical Education. The Off-Campus Physical Education Application for the 2024-2025 school year can be found here.   The deadline for submitting your application is July 15, 2024. Please submit your OCPE application either in person at the Lovejoy ISD Administration Building or via this form.  

Payments can be made in person at the Lovejoy ISD Administration Building or contact Student Services (469-742-8000) for payment through Revtrak.