Google Classroom for Parents

What is Google Classroom?
Google Classroom is an online tool that allows teachers to post lessons and announcements, collect student work, house resources, and provide feedback on assignments. Google Classroom is a learning management system designed for simplifying the organization of course materials and promote communication and collaboration. Parents are provided an opportunity to get summaries of what is happening in Google classroom.
How Does a Student Connect with Google Classroom?
All students are automatically added to their Classroom according to their class schedule. Students access Google Classroom through Classlink but also have the option of downloading the Google Classroom app on their phone or other device. Go to Google Classroom Cheat Sheet for Students for additional support with interacting with Google Classroom. All students in grades 3-12 will utilize Google Classroom.
How do Parents Connect with Google Classroom?
Parents can get email summaries about their child's activity in Classroom. Email summaries do not include grades. These summaries include missing work, upcoming work, and class activities. To get email summaries, parents must accept an email invitation that is sent to the email on file in Powerschool. If the invitation is not accepted within 120 days it will expires. Parents can unsubscribe from summaries at any time. Go to Classroom Help to get additional support.
What Should Students Expect to See in Google Classroom?
All assignments and materials are available under the Classwork tab, and will include the the date it was assigned (ex: Test Review 10/31). The title of the assignment will match what can be found in Powerschool. Teachers will attach all assignments and materials to a topic. These topic will include a descriptor (ex: Unit 1 Fractions) to easily organize and locate course materials. All grades and missing assignments will be communicated through Powerschool. The Stream will be used for updates and announcements only.
Additional Information:
Parent's Guide to Google Classroom (resource from John R. Sowash)